Hi, hello. I'm Emerald Green, the Wheat Wizard behind The Confectionery Apothecary. I wrote many different drafts and blurbs to introduce myself to you all, but to be frank, these comics and short videos do a much better of a job summing up what I'm about better than I could do myself.

So, what's a Confectionery Apothecary?
Well, I'll let my friend explain it to you.
“When Emerald told me the name of her bakery, it made perfect sense to me because when I eat her cookies, it’s something healing and magical for my spirit.”
- Lori Dessen
Hands down, the best part about living in Arizona is being able to take advantage of our year-round growing season and abundance of fresh produce. I use locally sourced and fresh ingredients whenever possible.
One of my biggest gripes about desserts in general is that the flavors often get overwhelmed by the amount of sugar used. When I highlight an ingredient in my baking, I really want them to shine.
My mother taught me that the best way to care for someone is to feed them good food. Everything I make is with love and from scratch. I make and use my own baking extracts, infused sugars, jams, and vegan dairy substitutes in every treat.
Balancing and blending the features of every ingredient I use to make any given dessert really feels like wizardry to me. I love incorporating herbs, florals, spices, seeds, fruits, and citrus into a vessel that will take you on a journey of flavors and textures.
Again, I will defer to a friend of mine who is much more eloquent than me:

“The first time I had Emerald’s cookies, I had to stop because I realized that this was unlike any other cookie experience I had ever had. The way that Emerald combines the complexity of technique with the simplicity of excellent ingredients took me on a journey and told a story of flavor unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. When you bite into one of her treats, be prepared for that delicious journey and a story of flavor like you’ve never heard before.”
Fata Avegalio, Wiki-Licious
The Gratitude
I would not be who I am or where I am today without the amazing people I have in my life.
Thank you to :
My biggest fan, supporter, cheerleader, best friend, partner, videographer and husband, Kyle.
My mom, Yong, who gave me her love of cooking, fermenting, and DIY.
My dad, Al, for raising me to work hard, be earnest, and move with integrity.
Vickie, Cleve, and Stephanie Kennelly for being the best family I could hope to inherit.
Melanie Yanga, for being the greatest Sous Chef and mentor when I was first getting started.
My dear friends, taste testers, art consultants, cookie muses, and sources of emotional support:
Sarita, Kaci, Lindy, Lori, Leora, Naia, Rose, Emily, Jiselle, Dylan, Jo, Billie, Matthew, Holly, Liz, Vermin,
Cecil, Sarah, JV, Em, Hunty, Danny, Lauren, Tyler, Berent, Trudy, Matt, John, Peter, Jon, and Brandon.
Everyone else who has supported me, provided guidance, or shown me kindness along the way.
And last, but certainly not least, the best dog in the world and the light of my life: Noodles.