Menu items change often and at whim!
Please check my Facebook / Instagram to see the most up-to-date offerings.
All treats are Vegan and made from scratch with fresh, local, in-season ingredients whenever possible. More selections to come! Check my instagram for the latest menu updates and offerings!
Pretzels and Pastries
$7 each
$35 per Half Dozen
$70 per Dozen
To order, wholesale pricing, or any other inquiries, give me a shout!
TheGemTheColor@Gmail.com / (480) 420-4935
"The first time I tasted one of Emerald's Lemon Basil cookies I involuntarily gasped and said "oh my GOD." (There were several witnesses who can corroborate this.) Emerald is a flavor wizard and I'm always excited to try her latest potion."
- Liz Hamilton, known hater
"Emerald's Gochujang Caramel Sesame Cookies are like if someone domesticated fire and bred it with caramel into a cute confectionery. I'm spoiled for ice cream sandwiches forever after making one with them."
- NAIA Furguson
"Delectable, texturally pleasing, never boring. Nothing Emerald makes is ever overwhelmed by one flavor, or dominated by sweetness. She creates her treats with a beautiful balance, marrying quality ingredients, letting the rich flavors speak for themselves."
- Lindy Eldred
"I've been eating treats from the Confectionery Apothecary since they were "that plate of cookies someone left at the merch table," and it's been a rich caloric pleasure to follow the growth of Emerald Green's baking. Creative but not fussy, delicious but not too dense, these are treats for the whole table. Also recommended as energy supplements during long runs!"
- John Darnielle
"As I took my first bite I was instantly furious at all other bakers for feeding me such low grade cookies all these years."
- Jon Wurster
"Absurdly, brain-bendingly delicious. The truth!"
- Peter Hughes
"There is a Korean proverb that says,
"보기 좋은 떡이 먹기도 좋다"
"A rice cake that looks delicious will taste delicious, too."
When you taste with your eyes and smell with your nose, the rich scent makes your mouth water. And once when you feel it with your tongue, it makes you think of your loved ones. It makes you want to share. The cookies Emerald makes are pure love."
- Yong Green (my momma)
When you bite into one of these things this weird thing happens where you realize you're eating something that you've more or less had dozens of times before, but suddenly you're struck with all of these new and different flavors and textures, and you just sort of stand there swallowing wondering what just happened, and then you repeat the process over and over trying to understand what exactly tastes so good with this thing you're swallowing, and then you realize you've eaten 5 of the 20 that your wife made for you to take into work.
- KYle Kennelly (My dear husband)